I Fabricate My Own Reality

Hi! I’m Frank Sarnelli.

I’m a tech enthusiast with an endless thirst for knowledge. At my core I’m a problem solver, always tinkering and ripping things apart. I’m also systematic, taking on problems using process of elimination and recording every step of the way.

I’ve been using computers since I can remember and I’m only getting started! Recently I got involved with 3D printing and decided to build this site to share my work as well as many others I find online.

When I’m not blabbing about prints, you’ll finds posts about games I’ve been playing, IRL adventures I’ve been on, or some new tech I’ve been playing with. 

So kick your shoes off, pop a squat, pour a glass and enjoy! 

My Interests

3D Printing

3D Printing is a fairly new hobby I picked up. Most things I print I find on Thingiverse.com but I've started to venture into building my own models and tools in blender to share!


I primarily use Windows, Mac for work, and Linux whenever. Raspberry pi for my 3D printer. My home rig is custom built where I do most of my 3D models and gaming!


I didn't get into camping until I met my wife who's family is big into it. Biking, kayaking and hiking. We have lots of adventures across the US and we don't plan on stopping!


Gaming is a big part of what I do. Pretty much all of it with with PC or Nintendo switch. Between FPS, Sims, or just random indie games, whatever I can get on sale!

3D Prints