I got a notice from the high courts of the Major Gaming League (are they even around anymore?). The clutter levels on my desk have reached n00b levels. If I don’t clutch and get my shit together they are going revoke my gaming card and repo my 1080Ti. A crewel reality… but this is the way of the gamer. Why is this difficult? I have a gaming desk designed for gaming. Made to be very minimalist and focus on core functionality. Including an entire mousepad table top, a place to hang my headphones and a cup holder for some dank ass monster energy!

What is a man to do? Get a regular desk?! Leave the gaming world behind?! Stop trying to be a streamer and commit to my full time job?! Nay! Nay I say! We do what we always do! We print our way out of the problem!
When you have Printer, every problem can be Extruded!
First we hunt! The hunting grounds being Thingiverse.com, options were far from limited. Most of the results being storage boxes and organizers. Of the drawers I could pick, one stood out that had lots of options and had a modern gaming vibe to it.

There were lots of options to pick from. Double wide, double thick, double stacked. But I went with single slim. Got to start simple, don’t want to waste a whole spool and hours of printing time! The design is simple. Two rails are screwed under the desk to hold the drawer bay. The drawer bay holds the drawer. The drawer holds my stuff. Easy! Well hang on…
Mo` Printin Mo` Problems
The first issue I had to address was the size of the print. These designs are meant to max out the printer bed and not all printers are made the same. Whatever printer this was originally for, it way over shot what my Ender 3 could handle 🙁 Dialing things back to 80% I was able to make it all fit. Thank god Cura has a built in uniform scale feature.

The second issue had to with Cura. I’m not sure when or why it changed but in more recent versions, I’m having a huge problem with my prints having “skins”. What I mean is the outer shell of the print does not adhere to the infill. I actually had the same problem with my spice rack, which I thought it was something dumb I was doing in fusion 360.

Turns out, rolling Cura back to version 5.1, the whole problem went away! Now I’m not saying that the new version of Cura sucks and is making my printing life hell. I’m saying that I’m too busy to figure it out so I’m just going with spit and duct tape for now. But stay tuned for a potential rambling of me fumbling my way though that problem 🙂
Avoiding the Fine, Everything Neatly put away!

The final result, 28 hours, 8 screws and two drawers later, I had a clear desk! No longer I fear the MLG Gestapo, banning me from online multiplayer. I can fully enjoy Helldivers 2 guilt free and clutter free 🙂 Future proofing I’ll probably switch from rails to 3M Velcro strips for a cleaner drawer pull. Being a chronic hoarder, I’m sure I’ll be printing out double and deep drawers.

Well, believe it or not that was really all I had for this one. Usually these quick posts end up being manifestos but once in a while my laziness wins over my OCD. Got some cool server upgrades and prints coming up so hopefully its not too long before the next one is out.
Until next time! Stay curious out there 🙂